Tuesday 8 May 2012

Diet is going well!

So since the start of the week, my mum and I decided to go on a diet since we both thought we gained a bit of weight. So yeah. We thought it was time for a diet.

So Mondays diet  was only vegetable soup and fruit the whole day. And of cause a lot of water and exercise!! It was okay. I mean I could eat all the fruit I wanted and the soup's not too bad either once it's warm :D

But today was a lot worse! I mean. I was only allowed to eat soup and vegetables. It's not that I don't like vegetables. Because otherwise it would be very difficult being a vegetarian xD; but the fact that I wasn't allowed to eat any fruit at all!! And all my class mates was eating chocolate right in front of me the whole day! But yeah. The hardest part was I wasn't allowed to eat fruit today. Not funny. BUT!! The good thing is I'm totally allowed as a little reward to myself, I can have an oven-baked potato! And I can't even spell how much I'm looking forward to that! :D which may sound a little stupid.. but that's the diets rules. And those rules have to be obeyed! BD

But that was my diet over the last two days. I'll post how my diet is tomorrow which I look forward to! And I can say. This diet works.. I've lost about 1½kg since Monday. And that was taking my weight with a full stomach! :D
I hope you enjoy this shitty random piece of... yeah... shit...
I'll see you later!

xoxo pirateshipster!

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